Like most of you, it's taken me months to find the right TV.
I finally bought the Panasonic TCP65V10 after lots of research.
It's not an easy decision.
The cost and possibility of a wrong decision is too much to bear.
Took me a while to buy my TCP65V10 -mainly because the TCP65V10 wasn't around when I started researching.
It's so worth it.
Let me explain...
I've heard it all -
LED's are the best for their refresh rates and lightweight.
LCD's have unbelievable picture quality.
Plasmas have the best picture, but shortest life.
Blah Blah Blah.
Enough opinions - there was no choice but to see for myself.
I'm probably pickier than most reviewers on other sites, so this wasn't going to be easy.
I visited nearby electronics stores to see these TV's with my own eyes.
4 things I didn't discriminate on:
- Technology (whether it was Plasma, LCD, LED, etc)
- Price
- Size
- Brand
After narrowing these down for a couple of hours (remember - I'm picky), I came to a few decisions.
I didn't know it when I started, but I love Plasmas.
After looking at prices, I also realized some TV's were way overpriced.
For example, the Samsung UN55B8000 LED TV, looked great playing Iron Man but the imperfections in picture quality were not worth the $3,899.
I'd look at Stark's face and see his pores - wow!
This was great until his face moved an inch or two.
The pores went away, smoothing out his whole face like a computer animation.
When he stood still, the pores returned.
I'm not in love with pores, or anything. It's just the detail coming and going drove me nuts.
Fast movements also created these artifacts that were just unbearable to watch.
I asked the salesman to make some changes to make it better, and lots of adjustments (refresh rate, and others) - it was still there.
I asked him why the TV was doing this - and he just said there was nothing wrong with the TV.
Of course not! He works on commission.
The problem I noticed after finally looking at the tags, brands and models is that all LED's had this problem.
LCD's weren't much better.
Without a doubt Plasma's were the better choice.
The picture was smoother, more natural, and less computer-like.
OK, so what about the Panasonic TCP65V10?
There were 3 Plasmas my eyes fell in love with:
- Pioneer PRO-151FD
- Panasonic TCP65V10
- LG 60PS11
But it was just too pricey.
The LG stood out amongst all the TV's (besides the other two) when it came to picture.
The price was just awesome as well.
It's missing some features, however - and I love bells and whistles.
So the obvious choice was the Panasonic TCP65V10.
I mean the TCP65V10 has it all and is 65 inches to boot!!!
The price is amazing for a TV like this.
I checked out their website at: Panasonic TCP65V10.
Wow, is all I have to say.
Besides an amazing picture, a huge 65 inch screen, and a very reasonable price - the TCP65V10 has enough bells and whistles to make my ears ring for days.
As for longevity - the TCP65V10 has a 100,000 hour lifespan.
That's 11.4 years if you were watching TV every second of every day!
BTW, the TCP65V10 is only 4" thin - not bad for 65".
(Can you tell I love my new TCP65V10? Even had to write a blog about it.)
I bought mine from Amazon:
Mainly to save on taxes and shipping. ;) Best Buy has the TCP65V10 also, but the tax is restrictive (not to mention delivery).
Even with bright lighting in my living room - the TCP65V10 rocks!
It doesn't matter if I'm in the kitchen getting food, or lounging out on my couch - the picture is perfect everywhere.
I love rocking out on Rock Band with this TCP65V10!
The one thing I can say about the TCP65V10 is the picture is unreal.
The colors are so 'in your face' and vibrant that you kinda gasp when you first see it.
And I've heard everybody talk about deep blacks.
Doesn't seem to be a problem with the TCP65V10.
The top/bottom of the picture in wide-screen just disappear while watching a Blu-Ray.
I also had fun playing with the internet features.
The way I understand it is, if you buy a Blu-Ray from Amazon, you can watch it on the TCP65V10 before you ever get it in the mail.
I'll test that next week, and let you know.
If you're interested in the other TV's, you can get it here:
Well, hope this review helped with the Panasonic TCP65V10.
I'll try and give you updates on the neat little features I discover along the way (big manual).
Happy HDTV'ing!