Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Still Loving my TC-P65V10

Not much left to say about the Panasonic TC-P65V10 LOL

Because of that, this'll probably be my last post on the TC-P65V10.
I really love it, and not much left to say. :)

I haven't bought my receiver yet, since I ended up buying an electronic drumset and recording gear instead.
Oh well, soon enough.

I did, however notice the TC-P65V10 's price has been going up like it were gold or something.
I bought mine when it was $3,500 just a little over a month ago.
Now, you're lucky to find it for less that $3,999.  Jeez.
It seems to be going up almost daily.
With holidays coming up soon, I imagine it'll only go up further.
But that's just my opinion.

A TV's appreciation doing better than the house market?
Something's definitely wrong with that picture (even though it's a very beautiful and clear HD one -hehe).

For those of you who feel left out because the price is just too high.
There is a place I found that could help at least a little bit.

If you join Big Crumbs for free (see the ad above - in this posting), and buy the Panasonic TC-P65V10 at Best Buy - they'll send you 2.7% cash back. (that's $108 for the $4,000 TV - nice).

Why join and not just click through and get savings right away?
Mainly because, as I understand it, they have to get paid by the company (Best Buy in this case) first, then after they have the money, they'll send you a portion of that. (2.7% to be exact in this case)
That's why it takes about 2 months.
But this is nowhere worse than how long it takes rebates to be sent out.

And obviously they need to know where to send you the money.
So you enter your info, and that's that.

Well that's my only advice for getting it cheaper at this time.
NOTE: You MUST be logged into Big Crumbs first, 
then click "Best Buy" in order to get your cash back. 
I use Big Crumbs, personally, on all shopping. (Including musical instruments LOL).
(Why would I actually want to pay more than I have to?).
They also have a way for members to make money - but I'm not going into that here.
You could check that out on your own if you're interested.

Let me continue with some config's for some PS3 games on the TC-P65V10:
Using with Rock Band 2:
I noticed there was a delay between what I saw and what I heard while playing RockBand 2.
This was so frustrating!
Just follow these instructions and you'll be up and running.
(Took me an hour of calibrating before I got it right - wish I woulda found a post like this one)
1) Go to Options (first Screen)
2) Go to "Calibration Settings"
3) Continue (Hit "X" on controller), when they go into the "fancy HDTV" stuff
4) It'll ask you to automatically configure Audio - just click the R1 button (the button on the right side on top)
5) Go "Left" on the controller to make it -25ms
6) Click "X" to continue
7) Repeat for Video - make this -10ms

You're good to rock out and actually get good scores now.

Fortunately, SingStar- Queen works fine with 0ms.
I had to put the microphones in the 2nd USB port, however.
That might just be my PS3, though.

Well that's it for me and the TC-P65V10...
When I get the receiver (some day), I'll put a link in this blog to the receiver review I'll create.

Till then - hope you have as much fun with your Panasonic TC-P65V10 as much as I have. :)


Monday, September 7, 2009

So how's the TCP65V10 after a week?

Still loving it, actually LOL

The manual wasn't as bad as I first thought.  It has other languages.  It's only 67 pages of manual.

I just got the cable DVR box switched out for the HD version - jeez what a difference.

Only problem is that my cable provider only has 1080i.  Guess it's not that big a deal.

I really love the way the inputs/outputs are laid out in the back.
They're all right there in the corner - so it's really easy to switch out cables at will.
And the TCP65V10 has the 4th HDMI input on the side, as well as the SD slot.

I don't have a home theater receiver yet, I'm still looking for that.
Honestly, for now - not really in a rush.
The speakers sound great on the TCP65V10.
In my old clunker, I had to turn up the volume to 100, and still had to listen closely.
The signal to noise ratio on the TCP65V10 is so amazing, that I set it to 25, and my girlfriend yells at me to lower the volume!

One cool thing I really like, is that it has a 'Game' button on the remote.
So whatever TV input you assign as your game input, can instantly be called by hitting the 'Game' button.
I have a PS3, and when I want to watch a Blu-Ray, or just jump into killing some Nazi Zombies, I'm only one click away.
The 'Game' configuration for the picture is tremendous as well.  Those Nazi Zombies (Call of Duty: World at War) give me the creeps now that I see their faces so clearly.

One thing I would REALLY love to see on the TCP65V10 is Hulu.
All these cool features combined with Hulu would make my new Panny unstoppable.

I really like the Amazon On Demand accessibility through the tv, though.  Who needs Blockbuster now?
On top of it, I bought a Blu-Ray off Amazon (Watchmen), and it allowed me to watch it on the TV before I even received the shipment!

Well, this was a quick post.
I'll let you know about other neat things I discover with the TCP65V10.